My last post about a Thomas J. Terry from Virginia that I had found during a visit to the library resulted in and email from Jeaneen Terry, a family researcher who has been working on the line for more than 25 years. She gave me a ton of leads, including the a copy of the will of the Thomas J. Terry in question. The will was of Fluvanna County Virginia, but was proved in Louisa County. Here is some more information, courtesy of Jeaneen:
Pamunkey Davenport Chronicles:
This is a family of Davis Davenport who lived next to Capt. Thomas Terry. Davis's son married Grace daughter of Thomas Terry. The first 15 pages tell a lot of information about early 1690 - 1720 Va.
Nicholas Mills Sr. lived on the other side of the Terry property before most moved farther west into Va. He had a son named Nicholas and this son had 2 daughters named Ann. Back then the families named each son after a male leader of the family or the wife's maiden name so others would know which family you were connected to. This would explain Mills Terry's name. The Mills family moved west to what is now Albemarle Co. but at the time it was still Hanover Co.. This too is something you have to watch for . COUNTY CHANGES. Note : Ann was also the Mother's and Grandmother's name.
Stephen son of Capt. Thomas Terry filed in 1699 claim in House of Burgess for land that was subleased from the Indians along with James edward and Lewis Davis.
Capt. Thomas Children: Stephen, Grace ( Thomas Davenport), Keziah ( Richard Davenport), Sarrah ( Edward Bradley ) , William, Daniel, and Gideon.
William Terry born England died Va. Children : James abt 1665 and Thomas abt. 1669 died 1735 His son Stephen was the Executor. This is the same Stephen to whom our Thomas was born. It's Not the Stephen born 1702 Hanover Co.
Capt. Thomas was listed as an Indian fighter, the last King William Magistrate and St. Margaret's Parish Church warden ( the first Justice of the Peace )
Quit Rents Rolls of 1704
James, Thomas and Stephen are listed on the Quit Rents Rolls of 1704 in King William Co.
Thomas 300 acres
James 400 acres
Stephen 330 Acres.
James and Thomas received land for transporting people to the Colony. At the time anyone paying 6 pounds Sterling for the trip would receive 50 acres. For those who couldn't pay they sold their service for a period of 4-7 years and the one who paid the transportation got the land. The Terry's transported a good number of folk and were know to be men of wealth. Thomas aquired hundreds of acres.He lived approximately 15 miles up Pamunkey Neck
OUR Thomas Terry born 1732 Hanover Co. Died 8 Oct 1804 Louisa Co.
Revolutionary # S 7700 soldier of the Continental Line. Served under John Peyton's 3rd Va. Regiment.
DAR Patriot Index page 671 lists Thomas and wife Ann
Thomas's will was of Fluvanna County but, Proved in Louisa Co in 1804.
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
In Search of Thomas Terry
My daughter and I rode our bikes to the Pleasanton library this morning, and I took the opportunity to do a little research. Luckily for me, there was a docent there who pointed me to the website: . A quick search for the oldest known patriarch in the Terry line resulted in this record:
Lewis TERRYMale--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Event(s):Birth: About 1764 , Fluvanna, VirginiaChristening:Death: 06 AUG 1851Burial:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parents:Father: Thomas TERRY FamilyMother: Ann--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Messages:Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information:No source information is available.
The date of death matches up nicely with the will I have for Lewis Terry, gives a birth date that makes sense in relation to that of his wife's, yet has a birthplace that doesn't match up with the information I have. Both pieces of birthplace info are unsourced. The parents' names also match those that I have from another source.
Next to search for a Thomas Terry who was married around the time of this Lewis' birth in the same location. Bingo!:
Thomas TERRYMale--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Event(s):Birth:Christening:Death:Burial:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marriages:Spouse: AnnMarriage: About 1757 Of, , Fluvanna, Virginia--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Messages:Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information:No source information is available.
Information on Ann, including birthdate:
AnnFemale--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Event(s):Birth: About 1736Christening:Death:Burial:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marriages:Spouse: Thomas TERRY FamilyMarriage: About 1757 Of, , Fluvanna, Virginia--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Messages:Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information:No source information is available.
Unfortunately, not enough information on Thomas, so guessing at a date of death:
Thomas J. TerryMale--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Event(s):Birth: About 1732 , , VirginiaChristening:Death: 1804 , Louisa, VirginiaBurial:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marriages:Spouse: Ann OR Terry FamilyMarriage: About 1757 Of, , Fluvanna, Virginia--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Messages:Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information:No source information is available.
A lot of nice information on Thomas here. Key is the location of Fluvanna, Virgina, which ties Lewis and Thomas together, at least tentatively.
Ann OR TerryFemale--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Event(s):Birth: About 1735 , , VirginiaChristening:Death: After 1805 , Louisa, VirginiaBurial:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Marriages:Spouse: Thomas J. Terry FamilyMarriage: About 1757 Of, , Fluvanna, Virginia--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Messages:Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information:No source information is available.
Different information on Ann. Note the date of birth only 1 year of the previous record. There was another Thomas Terry listed with a date of death in the same ballpark:
Thomas TerryMale--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Event(s):Birth: 1740 , Chesterfield, VirginiaChristening:Death: About 1789Burial:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Parents:Father: Joseph TerryMother: Judith Crawford--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Messages:Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Source Information:No source information is available.
This appears to be a different Thomas Terry, and the one cited by my other source. More research is needed, but this new information puts into question the connection to the Crawford family line that I had hoped existed.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Terry Family in Murray County Georgia 1870 Census
1870 Census: Militia District 972, Murray, GA
Name: Wysetty Terry
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1815
Age in 1870: 55
Birthplace: South Carolina
Home in 1870: Militia District 1013, Murray, Georgia
Race: White
Gender: Female
Value of real estate: 2000
Post Office: Spring Place
Household Members:
Wysetty Terry 55 Keeping House
Mary E Terry 19 No Occupation
Lewis A Terry 17 Farm Laborer
Duncan L Terry 15 Farm Laborer
Name: Joseph W Terry
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1839
Age in 1870: 31
Birthplace: Georgia
Home in 1870: Militia District 1013, Murray, Georgia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: 0
Post Office: Spring Place
Household Members:
Joseph W Terry 31
Joanna Terry 28
Sarah T Terry 11
Oliver S Terry 9
Caroline Terry 6
Ella V Terry 4
Wm D Terry 2
Name: Joseph Terry
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1844
Age in 1870: 26
Birthplace: Georgia
Home in 1870: Militia District 1013, Murray, Georgia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: 0
Post Office: Spring Place
Household Members:
Joseph Terry 26 Farm Laborer
Martha Terry 22 Keeping House
John Terry 3
Olive Terry 1
Name: Lewis S Terry
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1846
Age in 1870: 24
Birthplace: Georgia
Home in 1870: Militia District 1013, Murray, Georgia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: 0
Post Office: Spring Place
Household Members:
Lewis S Terry 24
Emily J Terry 17
Douglas Terry 1
Name: William Terry
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1810
Age in 1870: 60
Birthplace: South Carolina
Home in 1870: Militia District 1013, Murray, Georgia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: 6000
Post Office: Spring Place
Household Members:
William Terry 60
Julia A Terry 49
John R Terry 20
Clorinda Terry 15
Thomas Terry 13
Althia Terry 11
Jesse Terry 9
Robert E L Terry 5
Name: George C Terry
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1810
Age in 1870: 60
Birthplace: South Carolina
Home in 1870: Militia District 972, Murray, Georgia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: 1000
Post Office: Spring Place
Household Members:
George C Terry 60
Louisa Terry 25
William L Terry 4
Name: George W Terry
Estimated Birth Year: abt 1844
Age in 1870: 26
Birthplace: Georgia
Home in 1870: Militia District 972, Murray, Georgia
Race: White
Gender: Male
Value of real estate: 0
Post Office: Spring Place
Household Members:
George W Terry 26
Martha Terry 24
William D Terry 3
Friday, July 10, 2009
George Walter Terry
Doing a search for George Walter Terry lead me to a family tree on Unfortunately it was locked. I needed membership to view the information. Fortunately they offer a 14 day free trial. So I signed up. This may be the George Walter Terry in my family tree who is the son of Duncan and Wysetta. The owner of the family tree has made the connection. I'm not 100% certain. Here's the information:
George Walter Terry
Oct 14 1845 - Born in Georgia - fathers birthplace listed as North Carolina in all Arkansas census records*
Feb 26 1857 - Married Mary S. Andrews**
Nov 25th 1925 - Death in Oklona, AR
* In the 1860 census, the birthplace of our George Walter Terry's father, Duncan, is listed as South Carolina.
** I don't believe this date is correct as it would have him married at age 12 to his wife, who would have been 2 years old at the time. In addition he is listed with his family on the 1860 census. The information is not sourced.
Family Group
Mary S. Andrews 1855 – 1930
Francis Terry 1878 –
Minda Terry 1879 –
Drucilla Terry 1880 –
Lucy Terry 1881 –
Lura Mae Terry 1883 –
John Thomas Terry 1887 –
Unia Terry 1887 –
Saphronia Terry 1887 –
James Walter Terry 1889 –1907
Jesse Terry 1894 –
Oma E. Terry 1898 –
Age: 15
Georgia Militia District 1013, Murray, Georgia
Source: 1860 United States Federal Census
Age: 35
Valley, Hot Spring, Arkansas, United States
Source: 1880 United States Federal Census
Age: 55 Residence
Bismarck, Hot Spring, Arkansas
Source: 1900 United States Federal Census
Age: 65
Bismarck, Hot Spring, Arkansas
Source: 1910 United States Federal Census
Age: 75
Valley, Hot Spring, Arkansas
Source: 1920 United States Federal Census
Source: S. M. Head Family
Owner: yak23flora
From 1900 census
George W Terrey 50
Mary S Terrey 43
Arminda Terrey 18
Luen M Terrey 17
Lucy E Terrey 15
John T Terrey 12
James W Terrey 9
Una T Terrey 8
Jessee J Terrey 6
Naoma E Terrey 1
from 1910 census
Name Age
George W Terry 61
Mary Terry 52
Lulah May Terry 27
Tenie Terry 17
Jessie Terry 15
Naoma Terry 11
Connel A Shuffield 1 5/12
1920 census
George W Terry 70
Mary S Terry 62
Lulamay Terry 37
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Lewis Terry Family in 1820 Census
Males Females
10 16 18 26 45 + 10 16 26 45 +
Pg. Name un 10 16 16 26 45 un 10 16 26 45 Slaves
202 Lewis Terry 2 2 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Murray County Heritage - Excerpts
The book "Murray County Heritage," compiled by The Murray County Heritage Committee documents the founding and early years of Murray County Georgia.
The first elections in 1834 were hotly contested. In fact the Governor was petitioned to call another election, and among those signing the petition was Duncan Terry.
The book also includes the Muster Roll of the Murray County Rangers of 1838. "In January, 1838 a group of Murray citizens petitioned Governor George R. Gilmer to address the subject of their exposure to Indian hostilities. J.W.P. Buckanan and William McGaughy apparently led the effort. The men wanted a competent military force, composed of residents of the county and therefore best calculated to protect it, feeling that the time had arrived when it was indispensible to the safety of the people and property of the section. The mounted soldiers would be accepted as part of the U.S. forces protecting the frontier, but would be stationed in Murray. Some 80 men signed the petition and soon the Rangers were formed.
Among those listed on the muster roll were:
Terry, Wm.
Terry, G.C.
Terry, Duncan
Carder, Thomas
The book also describes the founding of the Holly Creek Baptist Church on July 21, 1848. Among those attending were Joseph Terry, Dovina Terry, Constantine Terry, Wysette Terry, and Julia Ann Terry. It was commented that Joseph Terry may have been an early pastor for the church. Census records record Duncan as being a former baptist minister, and it may have been here that he preached.
"Holly Creek has had several houses of worship. The first structure was located some 300 yards back of the present building and was also used as a school according to the deed from Duncan Terry to the church dated December 11, 1855. "
"George C. Terry once had a store and business on the Old Federal Road north of Holly Creek/Fort Mountain. He applied for a liquor license in the late 1830's."

"This well-known house was built by Joe Terry
and his sons in the 1890's"
The Terry's were an important family in Murray County Georgia, and they are mentioned often as the book progresses through the years and generations.
Also of note are the spellings of Terry women that I hadn't seen before. Wysetta, Wyzetta, or Wygetta, was spelled here Wysette. A search on Google resulted in a copy of this book, or parts of it, online here:
The first elections in 1834 were hotly contested. In fact the Governor was petitioned to call another election, and among those signing the petition was Duncan Terry.
The book also includes the Muster Roll of the Murray County Rangers of 1838. "In January, 1838 a group of Murray citizens petitioned Governor George R. Gilmer to address the subject of their exposure to Indian hostilities. J.W.P. Buckanan and William McGaughy apparently led the effort. The men wanted a competent military force, composed of residents of the county and therefore best calculated to protect it, feeling that the time had arrived when it was indispensible to the safety of the people and property of the section. The mounted soldiers would be accepted as part of the U.S. forces protecting the frontier, but would be stationed in Murray. Some 80 men signed the petition and soon the Rangers were formed.
Among those listed on the muster roll were:
Terry, Wm.
Terry, G.C.
Terry, Duncan
Carder, Thomas
The book also describes the founding of the Holly Creek Baptist Church on July 21, 1848. Among those attending were Joseph Terry, Dovina Terry, Constantine Terry, Wysette Terry, and Julia Ann Terry. It was commented that Joseph Terry may have been an early pastor for the church. Census records record Duncan as being a former baptist minister, and it may have been here that he preached.
"Holly Creek has had several houses of worship. The first structure was located some 300 yards back of the present building and was also used as a school according to the deed from Duncan Terry to the church dated December 11, 1855. "
"George C. Terry once had a store and business on the Old Federal Road north of Holly Creek/Fort Mountain. He applied for a liquor license in the late 1830's."

"This well-known house was built by Joe Terry
and his sons in the 1890's"
The Terry's were an important family in Murray County Georgia, and they are mentioned often as the book progresses through the years and generations.
Also of note are the spellings of Terry women that I hadn't seen before. Wysetta, Wyzetta, or Wygetta, was spelled here Wysette. A search on Google resulted in a copy of this book, or parts of it, online here:
Friday, June 26, 2009
Lewis Terry in Habersham County Georgia 1830 Census
The 1830 Georgia Census only recorded the names of heads of household, and number of other members in several different categories. The name Lewis Terry appears in this census on page 28, line 4, dated June 1, with the following information:
Males between the ages of 15 and 20 years -4
Males between the ages of 50 & 60 - 1 (Lewis, if born in 1770, would have been 60)
Females between the ages of 50 & 60 - 1 (If Constance was born in 1765 she would be approximately 65, and appear in the next age group)
Total members of the household stood at 6, with no slaves recorded.
This would fit with the information I have with my family. The oldest male son, George C. Terry would have been 20 years old at this time, with the others being 19, 16 and 14 years old.
Nancy (Terry) Carder was married to Thomas Carder two years previously. In fact we see Thomas Carder on Page 27, living with a female between 15 & 20, and a child under 5yrs.
Males between the ages of 15 and 20 years -4
Males between the ages of 50 & 60 - 1 (Lewis, if born in 1770, would have been 60)
Females between the ages of 50 & 60 - 1 (If Constance was born in 1765 she would be approximately 65, and appear in the next age group)
Total members of the household stood at 6, with no slaves recorded.
This would fit with the information I have with my family. The oldest male son, George C. Terry would have been 20 years old at this time, with the others being 19, 16 and 14 years old.
Nancy (Terry) Carder was married to Thomas Carder two years previously. In fact we see Thomas Carder on Page 27, living with a female between 15 & 20, and a child under 5yrs.
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